Discovering the Eight Laws of Health


Notice to Reader

This article is a compilation of the thoughts and research of many different health professionals, and is by no means a complete study on the different subjects discussed. It is not the intent of the writer to diagnose or prescribe. If you have a health condition of any kind, be sure to consult a health professional before acting upon any of the information contained in these pages.


“Disease is an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that result from a violation of the laws of health. . . .

“Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness (temperance), rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power—these are the true remedies. . . .

“The use of natural remedies require an amount of care and effort that many are not willing to give. Nature’s process of healing and upbuilding is gradual and to the impatient it seems slow. The surrender of hurtful indulgences requires sacrifice. But in the end it will be found that nature, untrammeled, does her work wisely and well. Those who persevere in obedience to her laws will reap the reward in health of body and health of mind. . . .

“We cannot be too often reminded that health does not depend on chance. It is a result of obedience to law.” The Ministry of Healing, pages 127, 128

Pure Air

Pure air is the very first law of health because a person can go for days without food, hours without water, but only minutes without air to breathe.

Air may be polluted by many contaminants. It is a know fact that heavily polluted air is a health hazard that is not easily controlled; therefore, it would be of great benefit to live where the air is as free as possible form pollutants. Lung cancer rates are much higher among city dwellers than those who live in the country. Persons living in the cities should avoid, as far as possible, strenuous physical activity when the pollution level is high, since this may irritate the delicate organs associated with breathing.


The body has a constant need of oxygen to purify the blood and to throw off waste products through the breathing process. Besides the lungs, the skin is also a breathing organ. If all the pores of the skin were closed a person would suffocate in a very short time. Since over one pound of waste is discharged through the skin daily, it is important to keep the millions of pores clean and unclogged by frequent bathing.

If the blood does not receive an adequate supply of oxygen it will not flow as it should, and waste products will be retained, resulting in a system that becomes an easy target for disease. Since the body cannot store oxygen we need a constant and fresh supply.


The air we breathe is filled with ions, which are atoms, that carry a positive or negative electrical charge as a result of having lost or gained one or more electrons. Negative ions are the good guys. Ions become charged through radiation from materials such as uranium and radium in the earth’s crust. Cosmic rays, such as sunshine produce ions. Lightning that passes between earth and clouds, and through the break up of water droplets as found near waterfalls and ocean surf forms an ionized path through the air. That’s why we feel so exhilarated after a thunderstorm, or when walking the beach, or sitting by falling water.


Since fresh air and negative ions are critical for a healthy body and a happy disposition, we must look for ways to breathe deeply of these two blessings.

  1. Get daily exercise outside in the open air. Walking, in all cases where it is possible, is the best exercise, because it can be engaged in by most anyone, and all the organs of the body are brought into use.
  2. Learn to breathe deeply, inhaling through the nose, exhaling through the mouth. Do it until it becomes natural.
  3. Keep a fresh current of air flowing through your house at all times, especially in the bedroom at night; even in the winter. The little extra it may cost to heat the house will more than be made up for in fewer visits to the doctor and less medication as a result of respiratory problems.
  4. When you get out of bed in the morning, don’t make the bed first thing. Let it air out for an hour or so first.
  5. Houseplants are an excellent way to improve your indoor air quality. One healthy potted plant per 100 square feet of floor space can clean the air by absorbing airborne toxins and returning health-invigorating oxygen. Plants are also nature’s most abundant source of negative ions, conducting the negative energy of the earth into the air by ejecting it from the tips of their leaves. When watering houseplants use a solution of one (1) ounce of 3% hydrogen peroxide to every quart of water. This will give an extra oxygen atom to the water, which is beneficial to plants. (Rainwater works well also.)


Without sunshine everything would die. Every living thing in this world depends on the sun for survival. Green plants cannot grow without sunlight and warmth. Without plant life there would be no food for animals or mankind. The sun helps provide the rain that plants need for growth. Heat from the sun lifts moisture into the air; and the moisture turns into rain that waters the fields and forests.

Everyone would have to admit that the sun is a very important object in the sky, but what about its practical benefits to me? and how can I receive better health from proper exposure?


In the late 1800’s it was discovered that sunlight can destroy harmful bacteria. Today sunlight is still used to treat bacterial infections. It disinfects and destroys bacterial viruses and molds, and increases the body’s immune system. Other benefits are as follows:

  1. Lowers your respiratory rate and blood pressure.
  2. Increases white blood cells, which identify and destroy all substances, which are enemies of the body.
  3. Decreases your resting heart rate.
  4. Increases the capacity of the blood to carry more oxygen to body tissues.
  5. Helps asthma patients breathe more freely.
  6. Decreases cholesterol and high blood sugars.
  7. Valuable in forming strong bones and teeth.


If you are on the S.A.D. diet (Standard American Diet), eating too much fat and not enough fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, you may need to be more careful.

Dr. Zane Kime, in his book Sunlight, wrote this on page 117: “. . . sunbathing is dangerous for those who are on the standard high-fat American diet or do not get an abundance of vegetables, whole grains, and fresh fruits. Those on the standard high-fat diet should stay out of the sun and protect themselves from it; but at the same time they will suffer the consequences of both the high-fat diet and the deficiency of sunlight.” (The problem is skin cancer.)


Nature’s plan seems to have been that man should generate most of his supply of vitamin D from sunlight, because there is less of it in foods than any other vitamin. You must get outside to enjoy the benefits of sunlight since window glass blocks over 95% of the ultraviolet rays. Exposing a six-inch square of skin to sunlight for one hour is all you need, but the body has the ability to store the excess. The best time to sunbathe is before 11 a.m. and after 3 p.m., or when your shadow is at least as long as you are tall.

One noted author says this: “Dispense with heavy curtains, open the windows and blinds, allow no vines, however beautiful, to shade the windows, and permit no trees to stand so near the house as to shut out the sunshine. The sunlight may fade the drapery and the carpets, and tarnish the picture frames; but it will bring a healthy glow to the cheeks of the children.” The Ministry of Healing, p. 275, White.

At all times we must remember that exposure to sunshine must be gradual and moderate. Let’s enjoy the healing gift that has been given us in the sun!


True temperance teaches us to dispense entirely with everything hurtful and to use judiciously that which is healthful.


The laws of our physical life would not be complete without considering the importance of temperance; health is impossible without it. Health can be maintained only when we choose not to allow poisonous things to enter our bodies. But temperance includes much more than that which enters or does not enter our mouth. Temperance is having a totally healthy and balanced lifestyle in every way. It includes a proper balance between work and play, personal time for ourselves versus time with family and friends; scheduling our time so we can be physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually healthy.

Most people, if they are honest with themselves, know what kinds of things are unhealthy. Let this be your motto:

If it’s good—do it, but in moderation.

If it’s bad, leave it alone!


Fasting means a reduction or elimination of food for a prescribed period. Water should be drunk freely during a fast, possibly herb teas and fruit or vegetable juices.

Fasting for short periods of time, one to several days depending on the body’s need is beneficial. It will allow the organs to rest and the body to repair and restore itself.

An easy way to determine the condition of your system is to abstain from food for 24 to 36 hours. If your tongue becomes white coated, and you have a bad taste in your mouth, and bad breath, it means that you have a build up of toxins which can be eliminated by fasting.

After two or three days on a fast, most people lose all desire for food. The fast should be maintained until the coating on the tongue disappears, and a fresh, sweet breath is evident. This process can take from a few days to several weeks depending upon the condition of the individual. A fast can be broken with fruit juices, and then, little by little heavier food can be taken into the stomach.

Experts tell us that there is no nutritional deficiency during a fast, and much less sleep is required, 3-5 hours.

During the fasting process whatever is least essential to the body will be eliminated first. Mucus, fat, diseased cells, cholesterol, impurities, even tumors and abscesses. There are documented cases where cancer and other serious diseases have been cured by fasting and diet change. When food is taken away from the sick person, the person is not starved; the disease is.

This business of fasting is new or unknown to many people, and this short article is meant only to stimulate your thinking about the subject. Fasting is not recognized as a legitimate form of therapy in America, but has been used in Europe for many years with great success, and is one of the safest methods of healing there is.

If you think you can be benefited by fasting, and almost everyone can, then look more deeply into the subject; there is much material available.


If we gain temperance at the table, we will most surely have an easier time gaining self-control in every other area of our lives.


During the day as we expend energy in our work and activities, the body must have opportunity to repair itself. When one works long hours without rest it is much easier to become irritable and restless. The opposite is also true, too much rest and not enough work will do the same. Not only is too much rest not good for us, but there is also no sense of accomplishment, which contributes to our unhappiness. We need a proper balance of activity and rest.


Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep. Studies have shown that less than 6 hours and more than 9 hours sleep tends to shorten life. Children and youth need more sleep than do adults, with babies requiring as much as 20 hours sleep within a 24-hour period.


  1. Studies show that those who eat cooked food need more sleep than those who eat raw food, and those who eat meat need more than vegetarians.
  2. Everyone has a slower resting heart rate on Saturday than on any other day of the week.
  3. Men who nap for at least 30 minutes in the afternoon are 30% less likely to have heart problems.


Too much sleep may be an indication of emotional problems, physical problems, depression or just plain boredom with life that one may use as an escape. This is not a healthy condition and some lifestyle changes may be in order.


The cause of sleeplessness can be a complex issue, as much as too much sleep, but is most often caused by anxiety and emotional conflicts. Here are a few things that may help:

  1. Be regular in your hours of sleep.
  2. Make sure you have a circulation of fresh air in the room.
  3. Get on a regular exercise program (minimum 5 days a week).
  4. Go to bed early and get up early. Studies show that the deepest part of sleep occurs between the hours of 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. (midnight). During this time the greatest amount of recuperation will take place from the day’s activities.
  5. Take a warm soak in the tub just before retiring.
  6. DO NOT take sleeping pills or alcoholic beverages to help you sleep. They may keep you asleep through the night, but you will miss the healing benefits of normal rapid eye movement sleep.
  7. DO NOT eat before going to bed, your digestive track needs a rest, too. Your stomach needs to retire before you do.
  8. An evening walk is much more relaxing than the evening news.


The human body is designed for activity and movement. Many people refer to the body as a “living machine,” but there is a big difference between the two. Machines wear out and break down with use, but the human body improves and grows stronger.


  1. Increases the efficiency of the heart to pump more blood with each beat as it grows stronger.
  2. Lowers the resting heart rate and blood pressure.
  3. Improves digestion and bowel action.
  4. Relieves nervousness.
  5. Helps prevent disease.
  6. Burns up excess fat.
  7. Lowers cholesterol.
  8. Increases the capacity and efficiency of the lungs.
  9. Increases the circulation and intake of oxygen.
  10. Improves muscle tone and increases the size and number of blood vessels.
  11. Risk of heart attack reduced by 20%.
  12. Perspiration eliminates impurities from the system.
  13. Increases bone mass.
  14. Increases your ability to fight infection by increasing white blood cell count.


Becoming and staying fit can and should be gradual and enjoyable. There are many ways to exercise, and it is the opinion of many experts that brisk walking is the best, and can be engaged in by almost everyone. It is said to be the “tranquilizer without a pill.” Other effective exercises include swimming, cycling, tennis, running, to name a few. The main thing is to choose something you like and do it on a daily basis.


The very best kind of exercise is one that will be performed outside in the fresh air and keep your heart at its training heart rate (THR) for a minimum of 20 minutes, preferably 30-45 minutes. Of course common sense must be “exercised” as well; don’t do too much too fast. It is always wise to have a physical checkup by your physician before you begin your exercise program, especially if you have any kind of health condition. A good guide for knowing whether you are exercising too hard is a test called “the degree of breathlessness.” During exercise you should be able to carry on a conversation with someone.

Here is a simple equation to obtain your training heart rate (THR):

                                                   220 Maximum heart rate at birth

                        Subtract your age  - ________
                                                               This number equals
                                                               maximum heart rate
                                                               for your age.

                      Subtract your resting
                        heart rate (RHR)  -   ________
                                                               This number equals
                                                               heart rate reserve.

                           Multiply by 75%      x .75

                             Add your RHR  + _________
                                                               Sum equals your
                                                               THR per minute.

Maintain your training heart rate by exercising 20-45 minutes 5-6 days a week. As your condition improves you will have to increase the intensity of your work-out in order to maintain your THR. Soon you will know by experience how fast to move.


After you are into your exercise program for 5 minutes stop and check your pulse rate at your wrist. Take your pulse rate for 10 seconds and multiply by 6. Example: 20 beats (10 seconds) x 6 = 120 beats/minute. Do not count for the full minute because the pulse rate falls too rapidly to get a correct reading. Remember, total fitness comes not only from exercise, but from observing all of the eight laws of health.

Proper Diet

With proper diet the body will receive the nutrition necessary to produce good blood which is essential for the maintenance of good health. The food we eat should be whole, unprocessed and unrefined.


Proper diet means eating intelligently from a variety of fresh and properly cooked natural foods. It means moderation in the choices we make, remembering always that the stomach is the servant to the mind and not the mind to the stomach. Give the body what it needs to maintain good health, not what the taste buds want.


Vegetables and fruits should make up the larger proportion of our diet, with whole grains, beans, legumes and seeds. Use nuts sparingly. Flesh foods have never been necessary to maintain good health and are doubly questionable today because of disease, unsanitary processing and the high fat and cholesterol content.


Eat live (raw) food at every meal. The body requires hundreds of enzymes to maintain good health and heating food over 120 degrees destroys all of them. Food is never made more nutritious by cooking it. People who are overweight eat largely of cooked food. Raw vegetables and fruits should be eaten before the main course because they will aid in the digestion process and help you not to eat too much cooked food. Fruits and vegetables should not be eaten at the same meal, especially if the health is feeble.


  1. Grease – lard, butter, hydrogenated vegetable fats. As a general rule do not eat oils that remain in a solid state at room temperature, and use sparingly of oils that remain liquid.
  2. Sugar – If you must have a sweetening agent, raw honey is the best.
  3. Milk and sugar combination – clogs the system, irritates the digestive organs, causes fermentation in the stomach.
  4. Refined foods – White bread, white rice, sugar, margarine, mayonnaise, syrup, jam, chocolate, etc. Most refined foods contain little or no fiber and all have fewer vitamins and minerals.
  5. Animal Products – eggs, milk, cheese, butter, meats. All animal products contain cholesterol, including chicken and fish. Almost everyone needs diet reform: it is very important however, that any change in diet be progressive and intelligently thought out, so as to avoid deficiencies of vitamins, minerals, and the essential amino acids. We want health reform not health deform.


Eat at regular intervals, allowing 5-6 hours between meals. Most people can do quite nicely on two meals a day. If you choose to eat an evening meal, make it light and of easily digestible food such as fruits and grains. Eat your evening meal as early as possible, 3-4 hours before bed time.


Eating between meals is a bad habit that will affect the digestion of the previous meal, slowing or stopping the process only to start it all over again. This kind of daily routine will have its effect upon the stomach and other organs of the body. Studies have shown that even a few peanuts between meals delays digestion to the extent that eleven hours after a meal there is still a large quantity of food left in the stomach. Do your stomach a favor: give it a rest! If you feel hungry between meals, drink a large glass of water.


Mealtime should be unhurried. Chewing your food well will increase the nutritional value of it. Drink plenty of water during the day but not with your meals, because it dilutes the digestive juices and hinders digestion. Drink water 30-60 minutes before or after a meal.

By being careful to follow these instructions you will add enjoyment and years to your life. Keep in mind that the three middle letters in the word death are EAT. Disease and suffering are largely due to popular errors in regard to diet. You are what you eat!


The main function of water is to cleanse, it is the universal solvent. Used internally and externally it has great benefit.

The body weight is composed of over 50% water. If we lose just 10% we become seriously ill, and a loss of 20% is fatal.

The water we drink is lost through the breath we exhale, through perspiration, bowel movements and through urine. Water that is lost must be replaced if we are to live and remain healthy.


The food we take in must be turned into solution in order to pass through the walls of the intestine and thus into the blood stream. Without adequate water this process would be impossible.

Since the blood is about 90% water we need a regular and fresh supply, because it carries nutrients to the cells and waste products away from them.

Water is essential for regulating body temperature by evaporation of sweat and by heat exchange through circulating fluids from one part of the body to another.

Water is very important to the body’s filter system, the kidneys. All the blood in the body flows through the kidneys every few minutes. Their job is to remove from the blood the waste of living cells and any excess water and acid. The fluid that they remove is the urine.


If you live within city limits and are hooked up with a public water system, you are drinking contaminants such as chlorine and fluorine. These chemicals destroy germs, but are also poisons to the body. These chemicals can also be absorbed through the skin. Chlorinated water destroys Vitamins A, B, C and E as well as tryptophane, an amino acid. Chlorine can be eliminated by boiling water, but not so with fluorine, a cancer causing chemical. Do your body a favor, invest in a good filter system or at least begin drinking and cooking with bottled water. Soft water is found in springs, rivers, snow and when distilled. Some doctors recommend taking 1 or 2 teaspoons of sea water (available at health food stores) as a mineral supplement because it contains most trace minerals and has nearly the same composition as human blood.


The amount of water you need to remain healthy depends on your body weight. Divide your weight by two. That number is the fluid ounces you need each day. Then divide that number by eight and you have the number of 8 oz. glasses you need to drink each day.

If you drink enough water to keep your urine clear or nearly so, and odorless or nearly so, you will be sure to get enough.

REMEMBER: Don’t drink with your meals. Digestion is a chemical process and excess water slows down the chemical reaction.


The proper use of external hot and cold water treatments have many benefits.

  1. Relieves pain.
  2. Helps you breathe more easily.
  3. Makes muscles more flexible.
  4. Soothes the nerves.
  5. Helps you perspire.
  6. Improves circulation.
  7. Fortifies against taking cold.
  8. Relieves headache and abdominal cramps.
  9. Helps prevent infection.
  10. Increases red blood cell count.

This article is far too small to list all the benefits of hot and cold water treatments and the proper procedures. Secure a good book on hydrotherapy and study into it, it’s worth the effort.


Water used externally cleanses the skin so it can do its work of breathing the throwing off body wastes.

“Impurities are constantly and imperceptibly passing from the body, through the pores, and if the surface of the skin is not kept in a healthy condition, the system is burdened with impure matter. If the garments worn are not frequently cleansed, the pores of the skin absorb again the waste matter thrown off. It is taken back into the blood, and forced upon the internal organs.” Healthful Living, page 143.

Since waste products are being eliminated at all times through the skin we must air out the bedding daily and change the sheets often. Many people change their clothes daily, but wear the same nightclothes over and over without laundering. This is not a helpful practice in light of the preceding paragraph.

Water is inexpensive, abundant, and it works. Use plenty of it.

Trust in Divine Power

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” 3 John 2

God has given us ten laws to govern our spiritual health, and eight laws to govern our physical health. Speaking of the ten commandments the apostle James says: “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all”(James 2:10). Just so with the eight laws of health. When we violate just one of these principles we do so at the sacrifice of our health.

Since our body is the avenue through which God speaks to our soul, it is vitally important that we maintain optimum health for a clear mind to discern His will.


It is a law of the mind that by beholding we become changed. We can cleanse the body of impurities by following the eight laws of health, but what we put into our mind is there to stay. How important then that we follow the admonition of the Lord in Philippians 4:8 “. . . whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

Behold Jesus, He is our Great Physician. Trust Him to know His profession and follow His prescription for complete healing of body, soul, and spirit.


Since God is the One who created us and knows the human machinery, we must read the owner’s manual (The Bible) in order to run at top efficiency.

Lifestyle changes are not easy, and sometimes we become discouraged, but we must realize we have a Helper who is interested in our health and well-being. If we commit our lives to God He will give us “Divine Power” and victory becomes possible in all or struggles to make the changes that will bring us peace and happiness, and in the end life everlasting.

“. . . If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee.” Exodus 15:26.

This promise of God to ancient Israel is just as applicable to us today when we do that which is right in His sight.

May God bless you as you seek to bring your life into harmony with the laws of our physical and spiritual being.


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