Christian Headdress
Does God require all women (married or unmarried) and even young girls to wear some kind of head covering, i.e. hats, bonnets, scarves, or beanies in public?
There are many sincere people and even entire denominations who believe that this is a Bible teaching that is obligatory in today’s world, regardless of geographical location, and as proof of their conviction they point to 1 Corinthians 11:1-16.
As they study these verses they come to the conclusion that it is a dishonor to their husbands for married women to be seen with their heads uncovered and a dishonor to Christ for unmarried women and girls, because He is understood to be their spiritual husband.
In the eleventh chapter of 1 Corinthians the words cover, covered, and covering all have the same meaning: “To cover wholly,” or “to veil” (Strong’s #2619, 4018). It is custom for women in some areas of the Middle East to cover their entire head with a veil, leaving only an opening for the eyes. This chapter in no way refers to a partial covering, which hats, bonnets, or scarves provide.
Custom vs. Command
In 1 Corinthians 11:16 it says, “But if any man seem contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God.”
Paul makes it clear in this verse, according to context, that there was no such custom in the Christian churches at that time for a married woman to be seen in public without a head covering which would indicate that the wearing of one would also be a custom. But is God saying that this must be the practice today in America, or Canada, or any other country that is not following this custom?
The confusion disappears when we understand the meaning of the word “custom” (Strong’s #4914 “mutual habitations”). A custom is a long-established practice that regulates social life. Customs change as society changes and is neither right nor wrong in itself. A custom is not an unchangeable command of God, but a repeated practice, which becomes established as acceptable behavior in a particular culture during a particular time period.
Verse 14 of the same chapter also supports the fact that we are dealing with custom here. The word “nature” in Strong’s Concordance #5449 means “Native disposition or usage.” As we do a word study we find that “Native” means, “Pertaining to the place of birth.” “Disposition” means, “Inclination or propensity.” And “Usage” means, “Long continued use; custom; practice.” (All definitions taken from Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary).
The apostle Paul could just as well have said, “Doth not even (our long continued custom) itself teach you” etc. This would fit in perfectly with verse 16 and the context of the rest of verses 1-15.
“Pertaining to the place of birth” would refer to geographical location, and since customs change from location to location, to say that God requires it of all women today, is to wrest the scriptures from their original intent.
All Things to All Men
During New Testament times, those women who did not veil their heads in public were thought of as morally loose. If Christian women at that time wanted to have a positive influence upon non-Christians they could do it best by following established custom, as long as it was not morally wrong, or against a direct command of God. This is what Paul was referring to when he said, “And unto the Jews I became as Jews, that I might gain the Jews. . . .To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some”. 1 Corinthians 9:20, 22
If a Christian woman from America wanted to go to the Middle East to be a missionary to those embracing Islam, it might be wise for her to wear a veil, but if she followed the same custom in her own country she would be classed as a fanatic, thus greatly diminishing her influence for Christ.
Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 1, pg. 458 “Christians should not take pains to make themselves a gazingstock by dressing differently from the world.”
Principles Never Change
Since customs change and principles never do, what is the principle that God would have us understand regarding the eleventh chapter of 1 Corinthians?
The man is to acknowledge Christ as his head and the woman, while recognizing the supremacy of Christ over all, is required to acknowledge that in domestic life she is placed under her husband as her head; and Christ, although equal with the Father, is represented as recognizing Him as His head. This is a principle that holds true in all places and during all times, and if we keep this principle in proper perspective we will not be in violation of this scripture.
Head Coverings and Dress
Since head coverings are articles of dress; here is an inspired statement to take into consideration.
Review and Herald, Oct. 8, 1867 “The dress reform was among the minor things that were to make up the great reform in health, and never should have been urged as a testing truth necessary to salvation. . . . I have in speaking upon the great subject of health, mentioned the dress reform as one of the items of least importance which make up the great whole.”
It is clear from this and many other statements like it, that dress reform was given to God’s people to protect their health, both physical and moral.
Women who believe they must have a covering upon their heads while in public should ask themselves this question; how does wearing a bonnet, or hat, or scarf help me to have better health?
If it were a requirement today for women to wear a head covering, then according to 1 Corinthians 11:4, 7 it would also be wrong for a man to cover his head. If wearing something on the head were of benefit to health, then it would be beneficial for men as well.
To wear a head covering in summer to keep the sun from beating down on the head, or to keep the sun out of ones eyes, or to keep the head warm in cold weather, may be necessary and is perfectly acceptable for both men and women, but to teach that God requires it, even inside buildings is going to extremes.
Manuscript Releases, Vol. 20, pg. 307 “I have attended many meetings in different places. At Indianapolis I was surprised to meet so large a number. On the Sabbath I met with most intelligent looking people in the church. The audience presented a singular appearance, for all the sisters had removed their hats. This was well. I was impressed with the favorable appearance. The people were not obliged to stretch their necks to see over a mass of flowers and ribbons. I believe that this is an example worth following by other congregations.”
Manuscript Releases, Vol. 8, pg. 19 “A week ago yesterday I spoke in the church in Los Angeles, and the house was crowded to its utmost capacity. I wish a picture could have been drawn of the crowd. That crowded congregation was the most agreeable sight I have ever looked upon, and everything was in order. Every receptacle for flowers was removed. Every seat that could be crowded in was occupied. There was not one crying voice of a child, and the pleasant, happy faces were a sight that brought joy to my heart and did my soul good. The sisters, as far as I could see, removed their hats, and what a pleasure it was to view their countenances. I had good freedom in speaking.”
A hundred years ago it was customary for women to wear hats which were embellished with a mass of flowers and ribbons, and this was wrong because they had departed from the simplicity of the gospel, but because of this we should not overlook the other clear inferences in these statements.
The prophet of God said that it was well that all the women removed their head coverings right in church. She said she was impressed with the favorable appearance and that this was an example worth following by other congregations. She said it was the most agreeable sight she had ever looked upon, that it brought joy to her heart, did her soul good, and was a pleasure to view their countenances without anything covering their heads.
Christian Unity
For women in the apostle Paul’s day not to wear a veil would have been wrong, because it would destroy the unity that should exist within the body, making it more difficult to reach non-Christians. Today however, it would be just as wrong for women to do the opposite for the same reasons.
For a woman to wear a modest head covering today is not wrong in itself, but if it causes her to become a gazing stock, or is a source of disunity in the church it is wrong for that reason.
It is the devil’s purpose at this time, just before Jesus comes, to cause confusion among God’s people by bringing in side issues in order to destroy the unity that should exist among them.
Since wearing a head covering deals with custom and not a command of God, why destroy the work of God because of custom? For truly, disunity concerning a minor thing will do nothing but delay the second coming of our Lord.
Holiness to the Lord
In Zechariah 3:5, speaking of Joshua the high priest, it says, “And I said, Let them set a fair mitre upon his head. So they set a fair mitre upon his head, and clothed him with garments. And the angel of the Lord stood by.”
The word fair (Strong’s #2889) means “pure” or “clean”, and the word mitre (Strong’s #6797) means “head-dress.” The Bible mentions this head-dress that the priest wore in Exodus 39:30, 31. “And they made the plate of the holy crown of pure gold, and wrote upon it a writing, like to the engravings of a signet, HOLINESS TO THE LORD. And they tied unto it a lace of blue, to fasten it on high upon the mitre; as the LORD commanded Moses.” And Exodus 28:38 says, “And it shall be upon Aaron’s forehead” where the decision-making process takes place.
Christ’s Object Lessons, pg 206 “In the beautiful parabolic prophecy of Zechariah the high priest Joshua, standing clothed in filthy garments before the angel of the Lord, represents the sinner.”
We need the garments of Christ’s righteousness. We need the Father’s name written in our foreheads (Revelation 7:3). We need to reflect the character of Jesus fully.
Our headdress as Christians is reflected in our characters as they are molded by the redeeming love of our dear Saviour. This is our wedding garment, woven in the loom of heaven.
Let us unite together with one voice and sound the last message of mercy to those who are dying for want of the precious truth. And what is that precious truth? Justification by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the third angel’s message. Accept Him! Submit to Him! Abide in Him! And then encourage others to do the same. By sound common sense reasoning let’s lift up Jesus, that all men may be drawn unto Him and not to changing customs and traditions of men.