Introduction – Background of Elder Andreasen and “Letters to the Churches”
Elder Milian Lauritz Andreasen (1876-1962) was a man of God who loved the historic beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists. He dedicated his life to this work and over the years served in the Seventh-day Adventist Church as a pastor, public evangelist, and college teacher, dean and president. In later years he was appointed to the position of Field Secretary of the General Conference, which post be held for nine years. He was selected as the man to teach the first courses in what was to become the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary. It was recognized that be was the one qualified to begin this new project. After retirement be continued in very active preaching and writing work for many years thereafter.
Elder Andreasen combined the qualities of a teacher, theologian, administrator and evangelist. With these was added an unshakable confidence in historic Adventism, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the personal conviction that he must always stand true to what he knew to be right.
When the book “Questions on Doctrine” was published, Elder Andreasen spoke up in protest. His protest, penned in late 1957, was in the form of six mimeographed studies. Later these were gathered together by others and reprinted in a single booklet.